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⬅︎ is a public agency whose mission is to foster economic development in Brussels by providing business support through personalised guidance, funding assistance, and export support to entrepreneurs at all stages.

The agency promotes sustainable and inclusive economic development, making entrepreneurship accessible to all. It focuses on high-potential sectors like life sciences, green technology, eco-construction, and ICT.

Leaving a trace on the world of consulting, with the support of our partners Arthur D. Little, Cream Consulting, MEOTEC and PwC, ICHEC Junior Consult has been awarded the Best Improvement Award in 2019, the Best Business Approach Award in 2020 and the Best Belgian Junior Enterprise in 2021 and 2023.

Since 2011 respect, integrity, solidarity and professionalism have been at the forefront of our core business : project consultancy in finance, marketing, and strategy as well as organising our signature event : The Brussels Management Challenge.